Saturday, November 15, 2008


Need Donations to hire the legal defense that is required to set innocent man free.
Please contact for information on how to submit a donation to the cause.

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Authors Note

Terry Olson was wrongly convicted of the 1979 murder of Jeffrey Hammill. He is currently serving a 40 year sentence in MCF Stillwater.

He was convicted without evidence. No DNA. The only evidence that was supplied to the jury was witness testimony from Dale Todd. A man who at the time of his statement was not on his medication for depression and anxiety. He was interviewed by the authorities for over 5 1/2 hours after an 8 hours shift at a labor postion.

In addition federal prison inmates were used to back his story. They used Terry's trial as a stepping stone to reduce their sentences in their pending Federal Cases.

During the course of the next few months. I will be posting the so called case on this blog in the hopes that someone will hear our plea for justice.

My sincere respect goes to the Hammill family. They lost a son and a father to a tragic death, however, Terry Olson is not the killer of your son. You have been falsely used by the system in Wright County, The BCA's cold case unit and the Target Corporation that funded them. You were put through a hell back in 1979 and again by the system now. Ron Mitchells , Dale Todd and Terry Olson did not kill your son.